Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy VD

Happy Valentine's Day, folks.

When I was in college, a couple of the guys on my floor (who were perennially single) started a counter-holiday called He-Man Woman Haters Day, during which they would sit in their rooms, watch exploitation films, and drink beer. It was about as much fun as it probably sounds like, but at least there was beer.

Still, while I'm not prepared to promote an anti-Valentine's Day agenda,[1] I just can't get all that excited about a holiday that seems to exist mainly as a bidding war between the advertisers of Shiny Rocks and the advertisers of Dead Shrubbery. For one thing, as a celebration of Romantic Love, Valentine's Day seems to me like it ought to be a special case of Thanksgiving - and it feels like we just finished that. For another, do you really need to schedule a holiday to remind you to celebrate Romantic Love? I mean, it seems like if you're in a position to celebrate that at all, you're probably celebrating it all the time - informally, as it were.

Still, I hate to be a complete grump about this, so if you'll join me below the cut I'll share a couple of my favorite love songs. Enjoy...

And, finally, a classic:

[1] - "Stop the War on Valentine's Day!" Heh. There's a poster I'd like to see. And maybe some bumper stickers that say, "It's okay to say 'I love you'."


  1. [1] - "Stop the War on Valentine's Day!" Heh. There's a poster I'd like to see. And maybe some bumper stickers that say, "It's okay to say 'I love you'."

    You should put those in your online store. I'd buy one.

  2. We're not big on Valentine's Day either. I mean, we do cards (and chocolate -- because every day is a good day for chocolate), but we don't make the floral industry sit up and take notice or anything.

    This year I did Choreboy's V-Day early. He worked a night shift, so after he left for work the boys and I got the beans we'd been soaking out of their hiding place and I assembled those and the rest of Pork Fest 2012 into the ginormous crockpot. By the time he got home, he had red beans ready to be eaten, and considering that is his Favorite Meal Ever, he was pretty tickled :)

    It's really all about the little stuff. Grand gestures are nice, but what keeps you going is the trash going out, the coffee being started, the dishes being done, folding clothes together... that's what makes it work. At least in our house.

    Regardless of the day, have a good one!

  3. @ D'Ma - That would have been funny. I'll try to set it up for next year. (I don't think there's any way I can manage it today, unfortunately.)

    @ Amanda - "It's really all about the little stuff. Grand gestures are nice, but what keeps you going is the trash going out, the coffee being started, the dishes being done, folding clothes together... that's what makes it work. At least in our house."

    Yep, that's what keeps our house going, too.

  4. I thought this was a post on sexually transmitted diseases. :)

  5. Zombie Love Song FTW! :)

    This VD was a celebration for me. A celebration of not being obligated to purchase ridiculous dead plants, and cardioid-shaped boxes. Today shall be forever known as "Freedom Day" for me -- "Freedom freedom freedom oy!"

    1000000+ interwebs for reference without google. Hee hee heee.

    When I was single on VD in years past, I used to feel very sorry for myself. Not any more! Nope!

  6. I have nothing to add to that, except: Go, you!


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