Thursday, January 16, 2025

StV: Student Feedback, Part Four

"So," asked Jonathan Saint-Vincent, "what do you think of Sophia's brother?"

Greg Hendricks frowned. "I don't want him on my team, if that's what you're asking."

"I was not asking that," Jonathan assured him, but it's interesting that that's your first response.

"Good. In general?" Greg was still frowning. "I don't like him. Maybe he wasn't actually trying to kill my people, but saying that he was trying to maim them instead isn't as much of a defense as he thinks it is. I'd like to see him gone."

"He's asked to stay on as a student at the school."

"...Of course he has. I take it Sophia doesn't mind?"

"She claims it was her idea."

"Well, it wasn't. It was Cedric's. At least, he was the first one who brought it up." Greg paused, thinking. "Are you sure he isn't up to something?" 

"Not at all," Jonathan answered easily. "His mind-shield is all but impenetrable. But if he does intend to cause trouble, he's saving his efforts for something big -- aside from the sparring session with Nightmare, he's been going out of his way not to make trouble."

Greg shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. "She shouldn't be here either. She's a murder waiting to happen."

"She's a very angry young woman," Jonathan acknowledged, "but she does have her reasons -- and she's careful about her targets. In any case, that's not your decision to make."

"I know," he said. "And this one isn't either, it seems. But since you asked, and since you've been asking my team: no, I don't trust him and I don't want him here. He's a thief, probably an attempted murderer, and possibly a spy for Imperia. That said, if you are going to let him stay, I'll do my best to make it work. Right now, Veil's the only one who really hates him... though I think Paula is watching him a lot more closely than she lets on."

Jonathan smiled at that. "She would be, yes."

"Of course she would," Greg agreed. "Is there anything else?"

"Not at the moment," Jonathan admitted. "And you're right, I do intend to let him remain at the school."

"Then I'll do my best to make that work for Team Dragon. Sophia isn't asking for him to join us, is she?"

"Not at all. Jade, however, seems interested in seeing how he works with Team Phoenix -- in part, I suspect, because of how well Sophia worked out with Team Dragon."

Greg had been in the process of standing up; he stopped and settled back down into the chair. "You're going to let her put him on the same team as Nightmare?"

"Those two do seem to have an understanding," Jonathan observed.

"That's because they're both psychotic," Greg said sharply. Then: "No, I'm sorry, that was..." He swallowed. "...uncharitable. I... I know it's not my business, but I'd like you to keep me updated on that, Sir. Particularly if my team is going to be practicing with them."

"That only seems fair," Jonathan agreed, "and as long as we're here you should know that Cloudburst will be joining Team Kraken to see if she fits in over there."

Greg frowned. "I don't know Cloudburst," he admitted. "But all right. Thanks. I do appreciate your consulting with us about this. If any of my team has any additional thoughts, we'll be in touch."

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Student: Team Captain Tempest [Team Kraken]

Name: Kimberly Lynn "Kim" Evely
Nickname: Tempest
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'6" with brown hair and pale skin, light freckles, and blue eyes; sturdily built.
Notable Skills: Physics, Strategy, Volleyball, Basketball, Web Design, knows how to drive.
Quirks:Worries that discussion of math and physics bores people, wants to be the best leader she can be, wishes more people played team sports without getting weird about it, loves animals, very touchy-feely with her friends.

Kim Evely still isn't entirely sure how she wound up in charge of a nascent team of potential teenage superheroes, but she's determined to do her best at leading them. Her personal goal is to become a physics researcher with an emphasis on the physics of Anomalous powers, including her own. As Tempest, she can produce blasts of heat, wind, or raw force -- separately or in combination. She's basically a firestorm with a strong interest in the sciences. As a new Team Captain, she's both uncertain and occasionally defensive about her position.

As a student, she's very focused and spends most of her time studying; her social life exists mainly because the rest of her volleyball team sometimes remembers to drag her out of her room to go hang out. Her super-team, unfortunately, is mainly composed of introverts like herself (which actually works to an extent, since they do at least get each other). She doesn't have a lot of hobbies outside of her chosen team sports and her studies, but she volunteers to walk dogs at the nearest animal shelter on weekends. 

Kim expects to fall in love and get married eventually, but she hasn't put much thought into it. Her studies come first.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

StV: Student Feedback, Part Three

"Sophia's brother?" Tyler John Taylor was the oldest of the students who formed Team Dragon, due to graduate at the end of the school year. He would be hard to replace, Jonathan thought. "Eh, he seems all right."

"So you wouldn't object to him remaining at the school?" 

"Non." Tyler shook his head. "Sophia seems happier with him here, and beyond that I don't care either way."

"Very well," said headmaster Saint-Vincent. "That's all I needed to know."

"Well-- okay, then." Tyler shook his head and left the office. 

A few minutes later, Paula Ann Stone -- Catapult -- came in, nodded to him, and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. She'd re-dyed her hair; forest green, this time. She waited until he crossed to his own chair and sat down across from her, then said: "So. Lyceus."

"That's the question, yes. If we permit him to remain here at the school, is that going to be a problem for you?"

Paula leaned back in her chair, considering. "I don't think so," she said after half a minute or so. "Not for me, anyway."

"Have you had any interactions with him?" Jonathan was eager to hear what she might say; Paula was goal-oriented in a way that most of his students weren't: strategic, observant, and driven. She knew what she wanted and she worked out how to get it -- and then she went for it.

"A couple," she admitted. "He's smart. And he says he didn't come here with any sort of plan, but... I think his coming here was better thought out than he's willing to admit, maybe even to himself." She paused, then added: "We're not ever going to be friends, though."

Interesting. "Fair enough," Jonathan told her. 

"Will you let us know what you decide?" she asked. 

He nodded. "Of course. Thank you for helping with this."

Monday, January 13, 2025

StV: Student Feedback, Part Two

"I hate him," Veil said. The boy's name was Chance Justin Rutherford, but here at the school he only answered to Veil. "He put a spear right through my leg and then yanked it right back out -- and then he stabbed Cedric with it. I really thought Cedric had killed him, and I was glad." 

Oh dear, Jonathan thought. This one's going to be rough. "You haven't tried to start anything with him, though." 

"How can I?" Veil asked angrily. "My powers won't touch him. He doesn't even f-- He doesn't even notice. Plus, Sophia made a point of letting us know that he was here with her approval, and--" He cut off, cracked his neck, and then tried again. "On top of all that, he keeps being militantly decent."

Jonathan felt his eyebrows rise. "Militantly decent?" he asked. "How so?"

Veil hesitated. Then: "I mean okay, yes, he's also insane. He actually offered to let me stab him. Said it was only fair."

"And did you?" asked Jonathan, no longer sure whether he was fascinated or concerned. 

"Of course not!" Veil replied. "Greg said we weren't allowed to stab people. I mean, I know I'm not supposed to stab people, but I didn't even get a chance to decide for myself. He said -- Lyceus said -- that I could stab him and it would really hurt but it wouldn't kill him, but Greg--"

This was getting out of hand. "Veil," Jonathan said in his most reasonable tone, "I can't have my students stabbing each other here at the school."

Veil stopped as if stung. "You let Nightmare stab him," he said. "At least, Mr. Craven did and nobody got in trouble for it."

"That was a very different..." Jonathan Saint-Vincent paused, aware of the inconsistency in his arguments. Sandra Livingston had, by all accounts, put her claws into the sides of Lyceus' belly, right before he'd beaten her practically into unconsciousness. "...Let us say that when practicing the martial arts, some injuries are bound to occur; and while I cannot condone my students stabbing each other, I am also very aware that I am not in control of every aspect of their lives. Obviously I would prefer it if you didn't take Sophia's brother up on this offer of his, but he has asked to remain at the school and I would prefer that two of you be on decent, or at least cordial, terms with each other."

Veil put his hands together in front of him, and squeezed them until his skin went pale and pink with lack of circulation. "That's it. I am absolutely, definitely, one hundred percent going to--" He paused. "Not stab that guy. I promise."

He was absolutely, definitely, one hundred percent going to stab Lyceus, Jonathan thought, but as long as Lyceus agreed and they kept it between the two of them there really wasn't much he could do to stop it. And there wasn't much need; Lyceus' bout with Nightmare had demonstrated his regenerative abilities very effectively. Oh, this is such a bad decision and I am such a bad administrator, he thought, but he still couldn't bring himself to intervene. "Thank you, Mr. Rutherford. You've been a great help."

Veil stared at him. "Mr. Rutherford is my dad."

"Then thank you, Veil."

"You're welcome," the boy said, and departed.

Friday, January 10, 2025

StV: Student Feedback, Part One

Cedric Johnson paced back and forth in front of the headmaster's desk, while Jonathan Saint-Vincent leaned back against the windowsill, savoring the mobility that the prosthetic exoskeleton provided for him. He was fond of his students, and frequently proud of them; and mostly they responded to it, though he occasionally had to remind himself that it could also be a weakness. So he waited, watching as Cedric took a step, hesitated, took another step, and then turned back to face him.

"What do I think of Lyceus?" he asked, as if making sure he understood the question.

"Precisely," Jonathan told him. "I understand that your first encounter with him was... unexpectedly traumatic. I also know you've spoken with him, at least a bit. I'd like to know what you think of him."

Cedric swallowed. "Sir..."

"It's all right, Cedric. You aren't in trouble."

The boy's expression changed, and Jonathan realized that he'd missed his mark. Cedric wasn't worried that he was in trouble. He was worried that Lyceus might be.

"He's a good guy," Cedric said, suddenly and unexpectedly forceful. "I mean, I know Sophia put him up to some of it, but he's been trying to convince me that I didn't-- that I'm not a bad person just because I nearly killed him. Like, he really believes it. And if he believes it, well, how can I... not?" He shook his head. 

Now that was interesting. Could the two Antonius siblings, Lyceus and Sophia, be plotting something together? It didn't seem likely, given how long it had taken Lyceus to show up, how Sophia had reacted to the news of his arrival, and the simple fact that Jonathan couldn't imagine any sort of plot that would require them to make Cedric feel better about himself. "He's a very troubled young man," Jonathan ventured. 

"Yeah. He told me. He told me that's how he knew I wasn't-- that I wasn't a bad person, I mean."

"Ah," said Jonathan, nodding. "Well, if it's any help at all, both Ms. Salvatore and I agree with him about that."

Cedric paused. "Thank you, sir."

"Lyceus has asked to remain at the school, and not move on as he'd originally planned. I take it you don't have any objection to that?"

"Um... No? No. No objections." Cedric swallowed. "You don't know how good it felt to be forgiven like that." 

Jonathan felt a touch of sadness, and let it show on his face. "You might be surprised, Mr. Johnson. Very well, back to class. You've been a great help here."

"Right. Yes. Thank you, sir."

Thursday, January 9, 2025

StV: The Logistics of Staying in School

"He actually asked to remain at the school?" Jonathan Saint-Vincent was surprised, though in retrospect he probably shouldn't have been. 

"He did," answered Dianna Salvatore, "and I have never in my life been more frustrated at not being able to read someone's mind."

Saint-Vincent chuckled at that. "No, I imagine not." He considered. The boy might cause problems, though so far he seemed to being going out of his way to avoid that. His sister might object; all of Team Dragon might object. "You spoke to Sophia about it, I assume?"

"Only in passing, but she seemed a little embarrassed that she hadn't brought it up herself. As far as she's concerned, it was kind of her idea. She's encouraging him to do it, at least."

"Well, that's a start." Probably I should have spoken with the rest of Team Dragon before I let him stay at all. I certainly should now. "What about the others?"

Dianna hesitated. "I haven't had a chance to talk to them about it."

"And Jade still wants him to go with Team Phoenix to Colorado?"

Dianna nodded. "She asked about it again today. I think she's confused about why we haven't just made a decision yet."

Saint-Vincent sighed. "I'd rather have him working with Team Kraken. They could use an additional member." 

"Maybe," answered Dianna, "but I'm not sure he'd bring much to the team that Gaunt doesn't provide already. I'd rather add Cloudburst to their roster and see how she does there."

That made sense, he had to admit. "All right. If Tempest agrees, Cloudburst can join Team Kraken. Lyceus can accompany Team Phoenix, and I'll talk to Team Dragon about letting him stay here at the school."

"It's going to be awkward if he works well with Team Phoenix and we decide he can't stay," Dianna said.

"Do you really think that's going to happen?"

Dianna shivered, and her expression changed. For a moment she didn't look as if she were entirely here -- or, stranger still, as if she were entirely now. "No." She shook her head, suddenly certain. "He's going to stay here. It's going to be a mess, but we'll muddle through. And at some point he's going to save Sophia's life."

"Is he?" asked Saint-Vincent. The question was rhetorical; if Dianna hadn't been certain of her premonition, she would have said so. 

"He is. Maybe others, too. He's--" She cut that thought off. 

Saint-Vincent wondered what exactly she wasn't saying, but he didn't ask. If she thought he shouldn't know, she wouldn't answer; and anyway, he trusted her. "We're still going to have to put the work in," he reminded her. 

"Yes." Her tone was firm, now. "I'll arrange interviews with the Dragons. You should start with Wrecker and Veil -- the two he injured. Meanwhile, I'll let Jade know he's cleared to go with them, and ask her to give me a report on how he performed; she won't think that's anything out of the ordinary."

"Very well," said Saint-Vincent. "Whatever happens, we'll learn a bit more about our young friend, at least."

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

StV: Penetration Testing

You're up late again. The message was from Dianna, of course; checking up on him again.

Jinx glanced at the chat message, then paused and clicked over to reply to it. Yeah. Somebody's been testing our firewall. Not sure who or why, though. 

There was a momentary pause, and then Dianna replied, Well, at least we know that one isn't anything to do with the new kid. His people don't work that way. 

Unless they hired somebody, David replied. But no, I don't think so. This might even be just a run-of-the-mill attempt at hacking a school. 

Is it strange to say that I kind of hope so?

Dave shook his head and just typed, No. He could do with having a problem that was just... a problem, and not an omen of worse to come. They did their best to stay ahead of things, but every once in a while their troubles ramped up into genuine dangers, and when they did it usually seemed to start with something comparatively innocuous like this. 

Listen, about the new kid... Dianna had taken three tries to type that one sentence, so she was hesitant about whatever she was about to say.

You still worrying about him? Aside from the thing with Nightmare, he sounds like he's doing fine. 

It's the thing with Nightmare, actually. I mean, that part is fine. I don't understand it, but whatever that was apparently made perfect sense to the both of them in the moment. It's just that I had a thought about it, and now I can't get it out of my head.

Dave hesitated, then typed: Oh?

Could you find out if he's ever killed anybody?

Dave went still at his desk. Why in the hell would Dianna think... Nightmare, he realized. The school had taken in troubled children before, but Nightmare was in a category all her own. If Lucian -- Lyceus -- was anything like her, that was definitely something they needed to address. Surely Sophia would have warned them, though... 

Dianna was typing again. They both insist that they were just sparring, but Bob let me have a look at his memories and that fight was bloody and as far as I can tell they were both down with that. Or there for it, or whatever the hell it is that the kids say these days. And now Jade wants Lyceus to go with Team Phoenix on their next outing, and neither Jonathan nor I know quite what to tell her. 

Dave considered that. All right, he finally responded. I'll catch him tomorrow and have a talk, see what I can find out. He might just tell me if I ask outright. He hesitated, then added another line: I'm not sure I wanted to know this. He seems like a nice kid. 

Yeah, he does. Just maybe a nice kid who's been trained to kill his family's enemies. I haven't asked Sophia; if she knew anything about that she'd have told us.

They've both been pretty clear that they weren't raised to be close to each other, Jinx observed. It seems like they're trying to make up for lost time, though. 

Just let me know, so we can figure out what to tell Jade. She's probably already wondering why we haven't answered her request.