Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Sol Povos: Paladins

(I'm filling this in because our GM is out of town and busy drinking a lot of port, so we aren't having the usual weekly game. Instead, you get some events that are happening in the background, probably somewhat after Evil!Party's current place in the timeline. As a result, the details are going to be a little vague, since this will have to slot into the actual history of the campaign as we establish it in play.) 

"Oh, no," said Anica, "Abyss and Hell, absolutely not. You two are not going off to get yourselves killed without me."

"It's just a quick mission--" protested Tarric, but she cut him off with a sharp glance. 

"--to burn out a nest of vampires. You know perfectly well how quickly that can get out of hand, even for the two of you."

Werendril held up a hand. Though all three of them were paladins, he was a true elf and a follower of Corellon Larethian; his companions were both human, and worshipped Amun. "We weren't trying to exclude you," he said, "but it's a week journey each way, and Rune is still very young."

Anica scowled, hesitated, and then frowned. "Fine. But you'd better not get yourselves killed. You see any sign that this is worse than they said, and you both come right back here and get reinforcements. It's too soon for you to leave Rune alone either."

"Agreed," said Werendril, and Tarric nodded. 

"Well then," said Anica, suddenly looking embarrassed. "Good luck. Burn them all out." She stepped forward, reaching out for them, and they stepped forward together. 

It would have been a lovely group hug, warm and reassuring, except that Anica raised her arms and banged Tarric and Werendril's heads together with a sudden, sharp gesture. "That's for trying to sneak off without telling us, though." She turned and strode away. 

Werendril rubbed at the side of his head where it had collided with Tarric's. "Is she always like that?" 

Tarric nodded. "It's how you know she cares."

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