Monday, April 11, 2022

Short Week

Early last week, we excavated Secondborn's room. This weekend, I started running laundry: all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. I have done essentially nothing this weekend that could not be done between moving laundry loads through. (Which also means no writing, but I'm working on that. Some D&D Sunday night, at least...) I still haven't gotten back to the main laundry baskets; I'm still working my way through the pile of stuff that had taken over his floor. 

Fortunately, this is a short week -- even if this coming Monday has been reclaimed to make up for our snow/ice days. The boys are off Friday, and I've taken it off so I can take Secondborn camping. 

Which means that a lot of the time between now and then needs to be spent in cleaning and prepping , so that we have clothes to wear while we're away, and room to wash them again when we come back. And that's not mentioning the other little things like food and water that will need to be arranged. 

The weather, at least, looks like it's going to be lovely: partly cloudy, but with a relatively slight chance of rain. 

All things considered, I think we could be doing a lot worse. How's the week looking for you, my friends?

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