Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blogging Challenge: Unique Talent

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: a unique talent you have

Not the sort of thing I normally think about, but all right. I can think of a couple of possible answers for this, but I think the one that comes closest to unique is this: 

I can explain esoteric computer stuff in a way that makes reasonable sense to normal people. I can take "I looked at the logs and the stacktrace says that the connection failed with user XYZ at 8:06 a.m. on file folder/other folder/ThatOnePage.aspx and error Unable to Connect" and call someone back and say, "Yeah, it looks like the website lost connection to its database for a couple of minutes there. No database, no information. And the website stops working if it can't get the information from the database."

It's not really on the level of the sort of Vast Supernatural Powers that I'd like to have, but it's awfully useful when it comes up.


  1. Wow, that is amazing, whatever it is. All power to you.

  2. I think that's an great talent. I know enough about computers to be dangerous, so I really appreciate yours. My post is here if you want to stop by.

  3. This is not only an awesome talent but its sorely needed. Have you ever thought about teaching it?

  4. That is a great talent to have, because while I use computers well, this sort of technological stuff goes right over my head.


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