Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Evil!Party: The Fall of White Mountain Temple

 We teleport into the Third Trial. Teleportation isn’t blocked, and nobody notices our arrival. Durest settles in to start Unhallowing the place, and Chuck assumes gaseous form and  drifts through the sewers, looking the place over. The challenge seems to involve finding your way through the doors, which Chuck is basically ignoring by being a mist. 

As we’re in the process – Unhallow takes about 24 hours – a monk swims up through the pool of water. Jenny promptly murders him. He has some scrolls on him - including a congratulations note from the master granting permission to attempt the third trial. Jenny tries to fix the body up and hides it in the water. Jenny has also taken enough bodies apart that she adds Heal as a class skill – for any cases where she cares enough to use it.

We hear voices from outside. They’re concerned because Disciple Cletus has not come out yet, but the master notes that some people take as much as a full day. 

Late in the day, we see a disturbance in the water; Ferroustopher our iron golem grabs the monk and just holds him still under the water. The monk manages to slip out of Ferrous’ grasp and starts swimming back. Bob jumps in after him but can’t grab him. Jenny dives in as well and comes up beside him. 

The monk has obviously done this before. He’s swimming for all he’s worth. Bob is still following, but he’s basically just walking on the bottom. Jenny is swimming, but not really gaining on the guy. 

The monk makes it to the lake and climbs out. Bob stops below the edge of the lake, then Jenny motions him back. Jenny also turns back and wakes up Chuck while the monk runs off to do alarums and excursions. Durest needs about six more hours to finish Unhallowing the temple. 

A couple of hours go by, and then we start hearing some clanking and whatnot upstairs. Durest starts feeling a competing force gathering upstairs. Chuck does his Invisible Mist trick and tries to check the upstairs, but finds nobody in the antechambers of each trial. He checks around and finds another entrance into the chambers behind the test chambers. He finds a very fancy-looking priestess and some guards; he also notices a trap door down to the inaccessible area on the lower floor, and sees a group of monks and whatnot gathering down there. Which means there’s probably a secret door down there that will connect with our area and give them the element of surprise. 

Chuck decides this is the perfect opportunity… and departs to go after the Baron. He flows in through a window and finds himself in the training room. Two things happen immediately: he notices that this building is hallowed, and also an alarm goes off. Chuck heads up to the next floor, where he finds four monks guarding a door. 

Unbeknownst to us, several of the Solari teleport back over to the other building. Chuck, meanwhile, drifts out over the training floor so he can look at the third-floor through the balconies. He spots the baron, but the Baron is now surrounded by Solari. 

The priests cast Detect Evil and immediately locate Chuck. He immediately drifts out through the wall. 

One of the priests throws the shutters open and tries to Turn Undead, which Chuck distinctly is. Chuck is driven away, and flees at top speed. They throw Fireballs after him, but don’t manage to take him out. After a bit he he pulls himself back together, and is ridiculously irritated about it. He comes back to fuck with them again. And again. And again. 

Durest finishes his spell, and the Temple of Trials becomes Unhallowed – and applies Silence to anyone good inside it. The Priestess manages to keep her voice, but none of the rest do; Chuck returns to the rest of the party and explains the situation and how he valiantly kept them distracted. He also points out the secret door, which Jenny promptly knocks on. When nobody responds, she calls on Ferroustopher to kick the door open. The door shatters, and we’re looking at the raiding party. Chuck tosses a Fireball into the room, tagging everybody inside. Durest follows up with a Flame Strike. 

As the fire drops several of the enemies, Durest feels the Hallow that was being cast upstairs suddenly gets dropped. This is… probably not a good thing. The high-level Priestess is probably now coming for us. Several of the monks tumble into the room and attack Jenny. Two of them hit and attempt to stun her; they manage to… um… do a very tiny amount of damage. Jenny is not impressed. Or stunned, for that matter. 

The High Priestess comes down through the trap door and drops Mass Cause Critical Wounds, tagging Durest and Jenny. Chuck responds with another fireball, tagging the priestess and the fighter. Ferrous kills one of the monks. 

One of the Solari, a bow specialist, lets off a bunch of arrows at Jenny and, um, nicks her. Jenny kills two of the three monks around her. Durest drops another Flame Strike, and takes out the archer. Bob finishes the final monk. 

More priests and a Solari barbarian drop down; the barbarian starts charging forward. One of the priests throws Searing Light at Chuck, damaging him. Chuck: “Oh fuck guys, we gotta take these sun motherfuckers out.”

A Priestess throws a Flame Strike and takes Bob down. He’ll return in three rounds. The big priestess moves up and speaks a Holy Word, which paralyzes Chuck and deafens the rest of us. Ferrous moves in on Master Fedoki and attacks, but misses. A bunch of other Solari teleport in.

The barbarian Solari charges Jenny, who attacks him as he comes in. He attacks with his elvish two-bladed scimitar, but misses. Jenny immediately murders him, and cleaves at the High Priestess, smacking her hard, then attacks her again and also hits her hard. Durest fills half the room with a Fire Storm, taking out the wizard that brought the other Solari in and damaging a bunch of people. 

Jenny attempts to get their attention and draw their fire. The other bishop charges over towards Jenny, who attacks him but misses. She  touches Jenny and casts Harm; Jenny shrugs off the worst of it, and gives her a sultry growl. The priests that are silenced retreat; the other two try to cast Searing Light at Jenny, doing more damage. The other monk moves over and attacks the golem, which proves unwise as he misses completely. 

Master Fedoki moves in Durest and attacks, hitting him three times. Durest: “Ferrous! Stop the monk!” Ferrous drops Poison Gas on the newly-arrived Solari, then grabs the monk who attacked him. Jenny lays into priest beside her and kills him, then attacks the High Priestess again. Durest casts Mass Cure Serious Wounds to bring himself and Jenny back up. 

The lesser priests are still trying to tag Jenny with Searing Light, since they brought a lot of those expecting us to be loaded with undead. Master Fedoki is still trying to take out Durest, who calls for Ferrous to slap Master Fedoki with his fellow monk; Ferrous promptly does this. 

The High Priestess has healed herself again, and Jenny lays into her again, almost taking her down. Durest slips back and casts Anti-Life shell. 

And Bob reassembles himself and stands back up. One of the priests is busy healing himself. The other two are also still trying to Searing Light Jenny; Master Fedoki, unable to reach Durest, attacks the golem instead and actually does some damage. Ferrous pins the other monk, and prepares to finish him. Durest uses Harm to restore Chuck. 

Jenny goes after the High Priestess again – she’s furious because the Priestess keeps healing herself. Bob steps over and finishes the other High Priestess. The two priests behind her look frightened, but shoot Bob with Searing Light, damaging him badly. Master Fedoki tumbles over and attacks Bob. Bob promptly collapses again. He’ll be back in four rounds. 

Chuck throws a fireball at the two priests. Ferrous finishes the monk he’s holding and drops his body in the water. Jenny charges and takes out one of the two lesser priests and nearly kills the other. 

Durest drops a Cure Moderate Wounds to bring himself and Jenny back up a bit; the priest steps in and hits her with Harm, dropping her to one hit point. Master Fedoki assesses the battlefield and blinks back out. Chuck fires off some Scorching Rays at the priest who’s been quietly healing himself in the background, and Ferrous stomps over and whacks him as well. 

Jenny murders the lesser priest, and Durest drops his protection and tags her with Heal. Chuck finishes the other priest, and we rush out to finish the Baron. 

He is, of course, gone, along with Fedoku and the remaining Disciples and a few remaining priests. 


  1. Ruin fills half the room with a Fire Storm, taking out the wizard that brought the other Solari in and damaging a bunch of people.

    Ruin? Where'd he come from? I thought he was in the Elven party.

    1. D'oh! He is. And he isn't the sort to throw Fire Storms around either. Possibly I was feeling nostalgic since I haven't played him in a while.


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