Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Challenge: Near Your Town

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: Book/Movie/TV Show set in or near your town

This may actually be the easiest prompt so far. 

I had a friend in school who went by his initials, RJ, and right around middle school there was a months-long period where he got very tired of people asking him, "So... who shot RJ?" (If you don't get it, don't worry -- it just means you aren't old enough.) Neither of us actually watched the show, mind you, but back in the mid-eighties it was... inescapable.


  1. Oh, that is too funny! Did you ever go back and watch Dallas as an adult?

    1. I never did. At this point, I don't think I could - not because of the show, but because apparently I've lost my ability to watch more than a couple of episodes of any kind of serial.

  2. My step-dad had a bumper sticker that said "I Shot JR"... ah, the good old days...

  3. I never watched it, but my sisters were fans, while living in England.

    If we're talking about where I live now, the obvious shows/movies are It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Story, and the Rocky movies. Trading Places also spent a lot of time in Philadelphia.

    If we're talking about where I grew up, well, the first thing that I think of is the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels which are set in and around St. Louis, MO.

    1. Oh, I haven't thought about the Anita Blake books in years. I should go back and take another look at them.

  4. Iconic, really. Who shot RJ? Very funny.

    1. As with many jokes, it was funny the first dozen or so times. After that... not so much!

  5. I never did watch Dallas, but that would still have cracked me up.


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