Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Terra Povos: Wizard and Warden, prequel one

"Is this really a good idea?" asked Malwyn, glancing at the guisarme that she had carefully strapped to the wall at the back of her bunk. It was just too long to be used effectively aboard the ship, which left her relying on her greatsword... and frankly, there were more than a few places belowdecks where even that was too much.

"If you've come up with a better plan than this one, I'm sure we'd both love to know about it," Valerius answered wryly. "I'm not real keen on waiting for these pirates to find us, but they don't come ashore and nobody knows where their lair is. The good ship Honeypot was our best bet, even if getting Alderman Thunderbrew to set us up with it was like pulling teeth."

Malwyn sighed. It wasn't that she didn't trust the plan. Not with all the work she'd done putting rumors around about the sort of valuable cargo the Honeypot would be carrying, not with the information they'd gotten in the dockside taverns and from talking with the Customs officers. "No, you're right. We're right. I just wish they'd show up already. I hate being on a boat, and I hate waiting for us to sail into an ambush."

"No argument there," Valerius replied. "Still, shift change is coming soon. If they've been watching the boat, that's when they're most likely to move. And I think it'll be soon -- this change, or next."

Malwyn paused. "Divination?"

Valerius shrugged. "I might not be much more patient than you are, my warden."

Malwyn nodded. "Let's get up on deck."

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