Monday, June 24, 2024

Driving Needs, part nine

"Are you almost finished? We need to leave." The voice was male, but muffled by the closed wooden door. Chris didn't recognize it. 

A woman's voice replied, "I'm going as fast as I can. You said that we'd have time to clean up after it took Stephen."

"This is not my fault! It was supposed to impersonate him, not start scattering bodies in the streets so it could add more skins to hide beneath."

"Yeah, well, it did," said another man's voice, "and now the Ministry's crawling all over this place and we really need to cover our tracks. So quit distracting Miranda while she's trying to disperse the traces and come help me with the last of the blood."

Well, this is clearly the right place, Chris thought. 

Indeed it is, replied the voice of the dark heart. Not bad for someone searching by scent alone.

Chris studied the door for a brief moment. Then, on a whim, he tried the knob. 

It wasn't locked. Whatever these people had done to summon that thing, they'd done it without bothering to lock the door. The thought he shared with the Dark Heart wasn't an actual sentence so much as a profound sigh. Then he drew his gun, stepped inside, and started shooting.

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