Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Driving Needs, part ten

"Antoinette?" Chris asked, when her partner finally answered her phone. 

He heard her swallow. "Where are you?" 

"Standing in the doorway of a conference room, looking at a bunch of dead magi. Did you find the skin-stealer?"

"Yes. It was presenting itself to Captain Saintcrow as an older magus, Stephen Dalbritten, telling her it was there to help with the investigation. I think it was going to move on her, but Elyssa got to it first and the captain threw up a seeming to hide them as soon as she realized what was going on. That was right before she locked it down and Elyssa ripped out its heart."

"Anybody down? Besides the skin-stealer?"

"No, we're good. Dead magi?"

"Yeah. I think they might have brought it here. The other end of the trail ended at a hotel conference room, where four people had been shot. Maybe more. And that sense of the Grey? It's all over the place."

"No survivors?" 

Chris hesitated, then said: "None."

"Shit." Antoinette hesitated. "So it looks like the threat's contained, but Cleanup is going to have an even bigger job on their hands."

"That's my read on it," Chris told her. "Glad you took it down."

"Yeah," said Antoinette. "Me, too."

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