Thursday, June 27, 2024

Driving Needs, part eleven

"Blessed Morrigan, what a mess." Captain Lilith Saintcrow said, looking over the blood-soaked conference room. She looked at Chris. "This is how you found it?"

Chris considered. "I'd like to say that I didn't step inside, but I did. It took me a moment to process what I was looking at."

Antoinette said, "So much Grey..."

The captain nodded. "Just hanging in the air," she confirmed. Still looking at Chris, she said: "You can feel it too?" 

Chris nodded. "The moment I opened the door. I'm assuming they summoned that thing."

"They better have," Litlith muttered. "Otherwise this thing gets even more complicated, and I have enough of a headache already."

"Did they summon anything else?" asked Antoinette, and Chris blessed her for the distraction. He hated being deceptive, and he was never sure if that was because he was no good at it, or if it was the other way around: he was no good at it because he hated it. He understood the concept, it just felt wrong.  

Captain Saintcrow stepped into the room. She raised her hands, traced them through the air. "I wouldn't swear to anything, but I don't think so. Investigations can check that, whenever the hell they get here." She looked around, then stepped back. "The thing was damned precise. Two bullets for each of the magi: one to the heart, one to the head. And then the other victim, cleanly skinned... and it must have been fast."

Elyssa asked, "So we think we're done? Or do you want to keep us on scene?"

The captain tilted her head to look at the wolf. "Are you in a hurry to get out of here?" 

Elyssa met her eyes. "Not a hurry, exactly, but Antoinette promised that we'd get to do some things while we're in town. We can do them later if we're needed here."

Saintcrow laughed. "I'll try not to hold you up too much, Wolf. I need you at my back until I've got a full response team here, though." 

Antoinette nodded decisively. "We've got you," she said.

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