Tuesday, December 27, 2022

So they finally did it

Work actually managed to reclassify my job. I've read over the explanation and the new job description, both of which are... basically accurate, though they omit the part where this should have happened years ago. Still, they've done the thing that I've been complaining that they hadn't done. There's even a modest raise into the bargain, and it's retroactive to the 18th. (It may take a week or two, or more, to get thing processed.) 

The Christmas holiday has essentially been a four-day weekend for me, but I forgot that it's a weekend in which we have to prepare for Christmas and then actually, y'know, have Christmas. So my restful plans have been a bit less restful than I would have preferred. Still, some things got done... and some of those were just me taking a day to not do anything. 

Turns out that was sorely needed.

No D&D this week, so no D&D notes this week; I'm not sure what I'll be filling in with, but I'll come up with something for the next three days. Probably a bit of the Dark Armor project, and maybe just some music... 

And in the meantime, it's time to take a deep breath and dive back into the dark fantasy project I've been working on.

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