Friday, December 30, 2022

Dark Armor: On the Field of Battle

The Black Knight stepped out of the carriage and put his foot down on frozen ground. The carriage had arrived in the middle of an armed camp full of men and women in the black-and-silver uniform of Teregor. The sky overhead was a dome of high, slate-gray clouds, and likely the air would have been cold and dry. Inside his armor, Pallian had no way of knowing. 

The woman who approached him wore black robes embroidered with silver and gold, which his helm informed him were every bit as powerfully enchanted as his own armor -- albeit for different purposes. Pallian knew her, but as the Black Knight he could not greet her. She was his older sister, and the Heir of Teregor: Rebka Teres. Pallian brought his other foot down and straightened, facing her. Behind him, the carriage stood and smoldered; the darkbeasts that pulled it snarled and writhed in their harnesses.

"Champion," she said. "The city of Marinul has refused to surrender the Spear of the First. Break their line. Shatter their gates. Make way for our troops to enter the city, and claim what rightfully belongs to the wizard-king of Teregor."

The Black Knight nodded, and turned. Marinul was a walled city, beyond the borders of Teregor and firmly in the lands of Edrias. It was easily visible from here, where the Heir of Teregor had encamped her army. Clearly, his sister and their father lacked the patience for a siege, and had sent for him instead. 

He drew his sword and began his advance. This was, after all, what the Black Knight had been created for. And when it was done, he could return to the things that mattered.

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