Monday, August 30, 2021

Writing Class

So there's another class by one of my favorite writing teachers coming up at in September, and I just signed myself up to take it. I've taken this one before, and I still have all my notes and all the handouts and I could reproduce the technique that's being taught here without paying for another class. So why would I be taking it again? Well... 

First off, I'm still trying to make progress on the Magic for Monsters boarding school story. (I'm making progress, actually, but dark gods it's slow...) Second, things are about to get hellishly busy around here and a class like this... even if I don't have a particular "Eureka!" moment -- even if I don't gain any new insight into the story at all -- a class like this helps me stay focused on it. It gives me reasons to keep thinking about it when I'm dealing with all manner of distractions and disruptions. Assuming that at some point we come out the other side of our present troubles, it helps me remember what I was working on with the story and what I wanted to do; it makes me less likely to drop the thing and then spend weeks trying to come back to it. 

It's a good class, and if you're trying to write a book-length project (even a novella) I would recommend it. But learning new techniques isn't the only reason to take a writing class, especially one like this.

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised by the praise you receive for your teaching of writing classes. I am a repeater, too.


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