Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Character Sketch: Etta Chen

Etta is a private, studious girl -- though she's very cheerful and encouraging when she makes time for established friends. A magical transformation gone awry has left her with an oversized, scaly right arm and shoulder, with six fingers and claws; the scales are a sandy brown, pale against her black hair and dark skin. The arm is highly resistant to further transformation (also cold, heat, and physical damage) and effectively prevents her from shapechanging. Also, she's right-handed and the change forced her to learn how do a lot of more delicate things with her left hand.

Etta originally applied to Sunhaven in the hope of having her arm restored, but so far nobody has managed it. She is now in her third year, and becoming reconciled to it; the arm has come to serve as her focus. She is a particularly accomplished fighter with longsword or rapier, and alternates between fighting right-handed to put her armored arm forward, or fighting with a blade in her left hand and her right arm serving as a sort of armored gauntlet with claws.

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