Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Blogging Challenge: My Bad Habits

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. (The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in!)

This week's topic is My Bad Habits, and the very first thought that comes to mind is that I'm writing this by the seat of my pants the night before it's supposed to go live, which means it'll appear on the blog with minimal proofreading and  possibly a random thought about peacocks or something. So there's definitely procrastinating involved with this. 

Do peacocks ever procrastinate? Probably. I mean, you don't prance around displaying you tail feathers if you're ready to just get down to business. 

Anyway, my second thought is that a lot of what people think of as my bad habits are actually undiagnosed ADHD. Our old department manager thought I was lazy. I'm not, but I basically can't focus on anything unless it's interesting or urgent. Doesn't matter how important it is, the brain won't do it. 

I tend to get caught up in things, stay up late, not get enough sleep, and then stay up later the next night trying to get caught up on the things I wasn't able to do because I was too tired. That's an ADHD thing, too: basically, I operate better in cycles of push-very-hard, relax-completely, -then-build-back-up-to-pushing-very-hard-again. 

So what's an actual bad habit that I have? Well... bacon. I eat a lot of bacon. Probably too much bacon, though my doctor says my cholesterol is still okay. I am, in fact, eating bacon right now. 

And I'm pretty sure that isn't symptomatic of anything.


  1. Procrastination is one of mine, too. So is staying up later than I should, but it always seems like too many tasks and not enough time. :-)

  2. I don't have ADHD but my kid has it, so I see how it leads to random thoughts, and conversations that jump around. And then something that feels urgent, it can lead to a kind of hyper focus until its taken care of.

  3. Procrastination is definitely a thing. But you can never have too much bacon.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!