Friday, August 20, 2021

Burned Out

I finally crashed yesterday. I'd been trying to do it Tuesday night, but my body didn't cooperate -- possibly because I got a lot done at work and was still riding an adrenaline high. I could feel it coming, I just couldn't get ahead of it enough to make it happen overnight. 

No, instead I woke up Thursday morning to the realization that the CPAP machine had somehow gotten unplugged during the night, which meant that I hadn't been breathing as well or sleeping as deeply as I needed, and that I had nothing left. I got up, got Secondborn up, put food in front of him, and then fixed the CPAP machine. 

And then I sent an email to my boss and went back to sleep. And despite a couple of work-related interruptions, I slept until about 1:00. And it was good sleep, with lots of weird dreams and rapid eye movements. So I checked to make sure that nothing else was on fire, helped a couple of people who needed guidance with one thing or another, and other than that basically didn't do anything. I think I did maybe an hour of total work; the rest of the day was just me being useless. 

Well, I say that. I collected the boys, got them dinner, and walked the dog... because Beautiful Wife wasn't doing any better than I was. But she made it through her day, got home, and went to bed -- and honestly that's the best idea I've seen in years, so I'm going to go do the same. 

So here, have some Halestorm for the occasion:

And here, if you want something a little... lighter... Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq.:

1 comment:

  1. I hope things are improving for you today. ❤️❤️

    Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is . . . nothing. 😀



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