Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Challenge: Favorite School Subject

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: My favorite subject in school and why

Thinking back, it was probably Science. Why? I don't really know, I just liked seeing the ways in which things fit together. English was close behind it, though -- that shouldn't surprise anyone. And in both cases they were things that came fairly easily to me, unlike (say) Math. So, yeah. Science and English, and if you'd asked my younger self I'd probably have put Science at the top of the list. (In retrospect that seems a little unfair, since it was my ninth grade English teacher who got me started on writing, but there we are. There is no reliable justice in this fallen world.) 

What was yours?


  1. Sadly, I had some science teachers in school that were not very good at their jobs from my perspective as a bored and frustrated student.

    I’m glad you had a better experience with that subject! I do like learning about science now as an adult.

    1. Yeah, individual teachers can really make or break a class, and sometimes a whole subject.

  2. I was terrible at maths. I still am to some degree, but English and science are great!

    1. I'm finding math a lot easier now that I'm trying to help my middle-schooler with his homework. Mostly, I think that's because I'm not overthinking it so much, and not expecting it to make sense to me intuitively; it's really much better to open Google, see how it's done, and then just do that. I even show my work!

    2. One thing I noticed during lockdown while homeschooling my nephew is that everything, especially maths, appears to be way more complicated than I remember! Yay for google!

  3. I would have liked more biology than I did.

    1. Yeah, the distribution on what I was taught was sometimes weird. Texas curriculum, of course...

  4. I enjoyed biology, but that was about it. Science is too "math-y" for me as a whole. My brother is an astrophysicist, and when I look at some of the things he does, my head nearly explodes...

  5. I loved biology, hated physics, and managed to get around taking geology or chemistry. In high school, anyway.

    At university I had to take a university-level biology course. In hindsight it doesn't seem as if the work would have been all that difficult, except that I wasn't sleeping at night in the cold noisy dormitory, the class met before daylight, and I was incubating "chronic" mononucleosis. I failed that class. I continued reading science for fun and now believe I could

    1. Whuf. Yeah, that would be a lot to cope with for any class.

  6. I think biology was my favorite class in high school. Somehow I ended up majoring in math in college.

  7. I a.ways liked usuing the scientific method for conducting experiments, which felt really official and proper, but it wasn’t my fave…but I didn’t hate it. I guess news got around that I took the best science notes, so everyone wanted to be my lab partner.Oh, BTW, testing food for caloric value was my favorite because of the snacking AND we got to set things on fire!

    1. This is Laur Moseley, BTW

    2. I was always a big fan of setting things on fire, especially FOR SCIENCE!


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