Monday, August 22, 2022

Trying to get back in gear

So, after a summer of inactivity we have the base of the Youth D&D group up and running again -- so three players, out of our five. One of the five has a job that involves mostly working on the weekends, so he may or may not be able to attend regularly, and I'm hoping the other will make it back on a more regular basis once things settle down. 

Meanwhile, we've also started the 2e Youth D&D group for Secondborn and two of his friends. They're doing a very different sort of campaign -- they wanted something more open world, where they could just wander around and have adventures, so I've obliged by building something to spec for them. They're also learning D&D as they go. Our first session went really well and everybody seemed to have a good time; I think this will go well, and they have a really great time together just as friends. 

Meanwhile, work is recalcitrant and Beautiful Wife is starting another semester where she's teaching more classes than she really has time or energy for; we're not looking forward to that. Still, on the whole, things could be going a lot worse. I'm back from the software convention, I don't seem to have caught the plague while I was there (I was exceedingly careful), and I'm back to doing Duolingo and working on the writing project. I'm reconsidering how I'm going about it, but... I don't know. Where it's at now is what works for my skills and inclinations. I might take a run at a slightly different approach, but only if I become convinced that it will work better. We'll see. 

Meanwhile: more sleep, more exercise, less drinking. 

This is the way.

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