Monday, August 29, 2022

Holy Cow, Y'all

So last week was completely wild. Apparently I made it back from the conference plague-free, but Monday -- when I'd planned to get back to work on everything -- everything went off the rails again and for while our network and phones were completely down. I'm working from home again, and will be for the foreseeable future. But basically everything came to a grinding halt last week, and so hopefully I can get back on track on the half-dozen projects I still have outstanding sometime this week. 

Got a little done on the writing project. I basically have two takes on the opening at this point, and it's very possible that I'll just be writing both of them until I get to the point where they converge. Which... I mean, it's basically just a matter of figuring out how to get from Point A to Point B. Twice. I'd like to be making more progress, faster progress, but the past two weeks have not been good for my energy or my concentration. 

So I was really hoping for a bit of rest this weekend, which finally happened -- sort of -- on Sunday. Saturday would have been the Youth D&D game for Secondborn and his friends, but one of those friends was having a Bar Mitzvah so we went to that instead. Between the ceremony and the reception, it lasted most of the day. It was a lot of fun, and they had a murder mystery game at the reception. (Amusingly, our table -- despite paying very little attention and not even going around and questioning the suspects, figured out who the murderer was and how and why they'd done it. Perhaps I should consider changing to a career as a police detective?) Then I came home, played in a D&D game, and passed the heck out. 

Sunday was better. I slept late, then hurriedly cleaned up the kitchen and ran the youth D&D game for Firstborn and his friends. After that I ran a little laundry but otherwise vowed not to move unless I had to. 

So basically, I'm treating the start of this week as a reset. More sleep. More exercise. Less alcohol. I'd add "less stress" to that list, but honestly I cannot even type that with a straight face. Nevertheless... onward and upward. Nothing but good times ahead.

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