Monday, May 16, 2022

Everything All At Once

I'm entering what is probably the craziest two weeks of the year for me, and pretty much everything I was doing is either imploding, exploding, or both. That said... we made it through last week (and another follow-up surgery which turned out to be comparatively minor, and thank the dark and forgotten gods for that) and I finally got a very solid night's sleep on Friday (and, well, a chunk of Saturday). I also dropped the book I was reading, and went back to re-read The Goblin Emperor because it is, with all its scheming and intrigue, a fundamentally kind book and that was what I needed.

I don't know if I'm truly ready for this week -- I don't know if that's even really possible -- but I'm as rested and relaxed as it's possible to be, going into this.

Writing has, of course, largely fallen by the wayside; whatever blog posts make it up this week, be assured that they were written well in advance. Yes, including this one. But I am still making progress, in fits and starts... no, that's not right. That's not quite the dynamic here, though with various real-world interruptions it kind of feels that way. So maybe that will be a post for later in the week. 

(NARRATOR VOICE: "That would indeed be a post for later in the week.")

So, as long as we're here, let's add the actual fourth song in the playlist for the current writing project. Cards and tarot are part of the imagery of this story, and so we have Sting with Shape of my Heart:

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