Friday, May 27, 2022

D&D: Character Choices

In the GozarTD campaign, Evil!Party was never planning to stay human. Chuck, our sorcerer, became a vampire relatively early on and has been slowly catching back up on being a sorcerer. Durest, the cleric and necromancer, will very likely become a lich once he's advanced his mortal abilities as far as they will go. And Jenny... 

Jenny has choices. 

Jenny is a human barbarian, and at this point something of a walking apocalypse. But in our current assignment, we're confronted with a ridiculous number of Solari... and the Solari are getting to know our tricks and starting to take countermeasures. We need new tricks. 

Well, we came up with one. Durest has the ability to turn Jenny into an actual giant -- a stone giant would probably be best -- and create and enchant large enough equipment for her to use in that form. At that point, all he has to do is hang back and maybe heal her occasionally, while she rips through... well... everything

But because of the way the spell works, if we could find a way to increase Jenny's intelligence (admittedly, not her strong suit) beforehand, we could potentially make that change permanent. It wouldn't make her unstoppable, but as a killing machine it would definitely take her to the next level. It would also, of course, have some non-combat effects: she wouldn't be able to walk into a town unnoticed. She'd probably have to get rid of her current harem and build a whole new one that was suited to her new size. And finding a hot bath could be a bit of a problem.

There might be another long-term option, though: with the right spell, we might be able to turn Jenny into a Noble Werewolf. That wouldn't have quite the outrageously murdery potential or ridiculous armor class of turning her into a stone giant, but she could hunt things by scent and pretend to be human for when we're trying to be subtle. Or what passes as subtle for us, anyway. But she could fit in a regular bathtub and keep her current harem (although we'd probably also need to figure out whether lycanthropy behaved like a STD, because that could get real interesting real fast). 

There are definitely going to be some intriguing new developments coming up...

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