Monday, March 28, 2022

Still Writing

So... I think I mentioned last week that I started another writing project. It's... actually coming along. Like, I have actual writing on it. And some idea of where it's going, and what the basic dynamic is for the main characters. Doesn't mean it won't stall out at some point, but (irritatingly) it's a lot more progress than I've made on the wonderfully-outlined project that I was working on previously. Maybe pantsing this one will work better for me.

This despite an enjoyably busy weekend of mead, D&D, and visiting family. So, yeah: really a very good sign. Secondborn asked me to help him set up a tent in the back yard, and then slept out there both Friday and Saturday nights; Firstborn, meanwhile, has had a good time with his friends. 

I need more writing time, more rest, and more brain, but I'm taking the fact that they came into my thoughts in that particular order as a good sign.

How're the rest of you doing?

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