Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Challenge: Mythological Animal

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: what mythological animal you'd want as a pet.

Okay, this one is trickier than it sounds. The obvious answer is that I'd want some sort of mythological critter that gave me magical powers, like something out of the Knightmare Arcanist series (and honestly, the titular knightmare is very cool and hits several of my sweet spots powers-wise). 

On the other hand, you have something like The Crow, where the apparent pet only comes to give you powers so that you can take vengeance after something horrible has happened. Much as I love the comic and the movie, I'd just as soon do without the something horrible. I don't need any more horrible in my life right now, thank you. Cool powers good; horrific trauma in need of avenging bad. 

As for more classical mythology and more traditional pet-roles... I don't know. I've always thought that basilisks were very cool, but having a pet whose gaze can turn you to stone and whose breath can split rocks seems... kind of problematic. Probably not the sort of issues you could solve with a tic-tac and mirrored sunglasses. Pegasus, or a griffin, so we could fly around? That might be fun. Need a saddle with a decent safety harness, though. 

No, you know what? If it isn't going to give me powers and it really will just be a pet, I want that goose. You know the one. I could do things with a regular supply of golden eggs.


  1. Now I want that goose, too!

    I always wished that fairy tale went into more detail about where the goose came from and why it could lay golden eggs.

    1. That really would be fun, though I also enjoy the sheer arbitrary weirdness of it...

  2. A flying horse would be nice during rush hour.

  3. I love the idea of the pet giving me powers, but the goose that lays the golden egg, genius. I wish I thought of it.

  4. I could go for a pegasus. Easy transport.


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