Friday, March 4, 2022

No words, brain empty

I haven't had the energy or the focus for writing; Secondborn declined to go to sleep earlier this week, and I've been in one of those not-getting-enough-sleep-means-that-I-keep-getting-less-sleep-to-compensate spirals. Doubly irritating since I've been specifically trying to back off from other things and just focus on sleep, exercise, and eating decent food.

On the plus side, I've been reading back through the unpublished pulp fantasy novel I wrote ages ago (and always meant to revise) and honestly? It's not bad. A bit of revision wouldn't hurt it, but I did some good things in there. I should probably figure out something to do with it: either revise and submit, or just make a final edit and self-publish somewhere. It's not a masterpiece, but it wasn't meant to be; it was meant to be a fun fantasy novel that I could actually finish, and it was and I did.

Fortunately, today is Friday and bedtimes tonight don't need to be as strict; if I go home and put myself to sleep, it won't really disrupt anything. So that, my friends, is the plan.

Sleep. Sleep is a good plan.

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