Monday, February 5, 2024

The Lost Girl, part three

"All right," said Peter, as they emerged from the van and gathered behind it. "We're going to need to pass through metal detectors before we get on the plane. What are you carrying that might set them off and attract unwanted attention? I'm mostly looking for weapons, here."

"Pistol," Chris responded immediately. "Ammunition too, I'd imagine."

The older woman who was Peter's partner chuckled. "Yes, that would do it."

"Same here," said Elyssa. 

"The usual," said the older woman with a smile, and handed a bundled package over to her partner. 

"I've got mine covered," Antoinette said clearly, and Peter nodded. 

Chris opened his pack and handed over his pistol and ammunition; Elyssa followed his lead. Peter took all of it, and dropped it into his bag with a muttered word. "That'll keep it hidden while we go through security," he said. "You should have boarding passes on your phones. Once we're in Pennsylvania, I'll hand you your weapons back."

Elyssa nodded; Chris just waited. 

"You all understand the concept of airplanes, right?" Peter's voice wasn't condescending; he sounded more concerned with making sure that everybody was on the same page. "We're going to walk into the airport, which is kind of a giant dock for airplanes, pass through security, and then shuffle through the line and find our seats on the plane. It's going to carry us through the air, and land at another port in Pennsylvania."

Chris nodded, and Elyssa swallowed. "We can do that," she said.

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