Monday, February 19, 2024

The Lost Girl, part seven

"Wait," said Maggie Hargrave, as they descended into the cellar. "Mother, let Agatha go with them."

Amelie Hargrave paused, considering that, then opened the door at the foot of the stairs and motioned everyone through. "That is... not the worst suggestion I have heard. Was it your idea, or hers?"

"Does it matter?" asked Maggie, sounding acutely exasperated. "We both want her back, and safe." Chris hadn't really focused on her before, but this was definitely the other girl from magus Frummelt's slideshow: brown-haired, lean, and intense. 

"Hers, then," sniffed the materfamilias

"Ours," Maggie countered. "I was about to suggest it to her when she suggested it to me." She broke off from locking glares with her mother and turned to Peter instead. "Agatha can help. She may be able to help you find the travelers, and she can definitely help you talk to them."

Peter looked to his companion, who shrugged her broad shoulders; then he looked to Antoinette, who nodded without hesitation. "As you wish," he said.

Agatha came forward then, but stopped alongside Chris and Elyssa; she didn't place herself beside the magi. "Thank you," she said. 

"This way," said Amelie Hargrave, suddenly impatient. "The stone arch will take you through a short passage, and then out into the Grey. Bring Tammy back intact, and the Hargraves will owe you a favor."

"With our shields or on them," said Peter, which cause Amelie to quirk a grin at him.

Chris was already staring at the stone arch; it was crude and roughly mortared, large enough to drive a truck through, and the passage on the far side had the look of some sort of underground roadway. It was the sort of connection that a family would use if they were engaged in regular commerce with the Grey, rather than just stepping out to recharge their magic. 

Peter turned to regard it, then motioned them forward; they followed him through.

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