Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Challenge: Pets!

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Sort of.)

Prompt: Pets I used to have (or wish I could have)

Well... The pets in my life have generally been dogs or cats, with the notable exception of the Yard Turtles. (The yard turtles weren't really pets as such; they were a pair of turtles that we rescued from the road and relocated to our back yard, where they lived long lives of reptilian luxury. At least one of them had been hit by a car when we found it; possibly both.)

But if I could just wish for a pet and get it... I'd want a miniature dragon. Or, heck, an actual baby dragon! It could ride around on me while it was small, and then when it got older I could ride around on it.

...Might be a little hard to keep it fed, though. Hm. Okay, fine, miniature dragon, but I want it to breathe fire and ice and lightning and stuff. 

House insurance? Why would you be asking about house insurance?


  1. Yes, Michael, I agree, a baby dragon would be awesome. Also, nice one on rescuing those turtles! 🙂🙂

    1. It was such as easy fix, and they just lurked in the back yard and ate bugs. Best pets we ever had!

  2. Oh man, I totally forgot about the fact we had three desert tortoises when I was in high school. But a dragon would be fun!

    My post

  3. A dragon would be so cool!

    My oldest nephew has a pet turtle.

  4. Dragons! Yes... I had dreams of being a dragonrider once...

    1. Right? Between Pern and The Neverending Story...

  5. Hurrah for turtle rescuing! I liked Pern, too. And Xanth. And what little I've read about Temeraire.


    1. Honestly my dad gets the credit for that, but he also made sure that we knew about them and their habits and didn't bother them when they were hibernating and... yeah. Turtles were more of a formative influence on my childhood than I'd really thought through.

  6. I like the idea of a dragon. Would keep the burglars away.

  7. We were on the same page with the miniature dragons. Anne McCaffrey’s fire lizards, which were miniature dragons, also had the advantages of being slightly psychic so you could, as their bonded owner, follow their flight, mentally, even though you could not fly on their back


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