Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Lost Girl, part six

"Nothing," Chris told Antoinette quietly. "She's not here, or if she is she's well hidden. Maggie's friend Agatha showed us around a bit, and she seems to think that Tammy left with a wagon train that sometimes comes by to trade with House Hargrave."

Antoinette nodded, then glanced over to where Peter was reading back through a hand-written journal. "Kidnapped?" she asked quietly.

"Maybe," said Elyssa. "Maybe lured away. Maybe just decided to run off. Nobody seems to be too sure."

"Maggie didn't seem too sure, either," Antoinette admitted. "I don't think we get any answers until we get out there and locate the girl. Are you two doing all right?"

Chris glanced at Elyssa, who lifted a hand. "So far, so good," he said. "We can work together."

Elyssa nodded. "I know you didn't plan to have another RO, but... this is good. I can work with this." She met Antoinette's eyes. "I'll make you proud if I can." 

Antoinette swallowed. "Don't make me proud," she said. "Just do the job. We're here to watch out for each other and do what the Ministry requires. They don't pay you twice if you do double the work."

Elyssa smiled, then stepped forward and pressed her cheek to Antoinette's. "Thank you."

Peter looked up as his partner returned; the older woman -- named Morri -- wore a grin that made Chris think she'd been out terrorizing the staff. She exchanged a few words with her magus, then stopped as he added a few more notes in his book. She noticed that Chris was watching her, and her smile widened as she looked over at him. It was not a reassuring expression.

"Lady Hargrave," called Peter, standing up and closing his notebook. "We'll need access to your passage now."

Lady Amelie Hargrave was standing in the doorway. "Of course," she said. "This way."


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