Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Challenge: Stormy Days

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Sort of.)

Prompt: Things I like to do on stormy days

I love stormy days. I love them dearly. Give me a dreary, wet, grey, misty day or a full-on thunderstorm and I just relax. There is no finer feeling than being warm and comfortable indoors while the weather rages outside, except possibly for going out and standing in it just because I can. 

So, things I like to do on stormy days include, well, everything

Make tea! A cup of hot tea is extra comfortable when the weather is being horrible outside. Write! Nothing puts me in the mood to write like the sound of falling rain. Go for a walk! If I'm dressed for it and it's not just miserably cold, a walk in the rain makes me feel alive. Crafts! Sewing patches on the battle jacket while it storms outside is extra satisfying. 

I love stormy weather. 


  1. There's nothing so lovely and soothing as the sound of rain.

  2. If it rains in the summer, I'm out in the middle of it! I can't help myself, I've been raised in the desert and rain isn't common around here. But I do agree, I love being safe inside when it gets crazy outside.

    My post

  3. I forgot how much I enjoyed standing out in the rain until a couple of people mentioned it - I have been hiding away more recently and grumbling about how the power will likely go out at any second and I won't be able to watch my show. My kid and I also had a scary encounter with uncomfortably close lightning and shockingly loud thunder a year or so ago that put both of us off braving the storms! But this week has been a good reminder that I need to start enjoying storms a little more! Also thank you for the reminder that that song existed. I haven't heard it in years!

    1. I am quite fond of that song as well, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I’ve been reading about lots of tea drinking in this week’s posts (myself included). I don’t think I’ve come across someone who sits around and drinks coffee on a stormy day yet among these entries

    1. I don't know. Tea drinking has more of a ritualistic feel for me, whereas coffee is pretty much Just Get Me Going In The Morning.

    2. Oh, that's an interesting way to look at tea vs coffee. I picked up some cacao shell tea in Hawaii a few months ago that I keep meaning to try.


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