Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Challenge: What's New?

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Sort of.)

Prompt: What's new in my life lately?

Well, the big one is that Firstborn is getting ready to go off to college. 

Hang on, I need to stop and sit with that one for a moment. 

...Okay, I'm back. Yes, right: college. Firstborn. He's been accepted to a couple of places, and we're sorting through costs and scholarships as they come in. This is complicated by the fact that the standardized scholarship form -- the FAFSA -- got revised this year and so everything involved with that is going out late. 

But mostly it's just weird to think that we'll only have one kid in the house most of the time. 

Beyond that... we're starting a new D&D campaign, which (if you aren't familiar with the game) means that we're all back to playing weak, newbie characters. This is fun, but a bit jarring. We'll have to strategize more, and we'll have to be a lot more careful. 

I have added another patch to the Patch Jacket. 

I have ordered more teeth in anticipation of Halloween this year. 

How about the rest of y'all? What's new with you?


  1. Wow, the years have flown by quickly. Good luck to your firstborn! Has he picked a major yet or is he still deciding?

    My oldest nephew is starting college in the autumn and already knows what he wants to study. I was so much less decisive at his age. :)


    1. He wants to design video games, but he's applied to at least one place as an Engineering major. I suspect he'll need to try some things out before he really settles on something.

  2. Time flies by WAY too quickly... my kid (who's 24... how did THAT happen?) was looking at something marked "vintage" yesterday. She said, "It's from 2004, it's not vintage." and then she paused. Things have to be 20 years old to be considered vintage... it clicked for her. I think she felt old for the first time in her life.

    Good luck getting your kidlet off to college!

    1. Thanks! He's doing most of the work, and that's been a huge relief even when we need to step in and help him out. I'm pretty sure he'll end up going somewhere that suits him.

  3. Congrats on getting your firstborn to college age, Michael! Haha, ours is turning 20 this year and I'm not sure how he - or we - have survived sometimes. And good luck to him, too!

  4. Success to the college-bound son!

    Priscilla King

    1. Believe me, we will take all the well-wishes we can get!

  5. Congrats on launching your firstborn. That's huge. FAFSA has been such a huge pain this year (I only know as a high school teacher -- not actually dealing with it myself). And good luck on your new D&D campaign.

  6. Wow, college! Mine isn't there yet, but I have this horrible premonition that I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be here. Yikes. Give me a moment while I hyperventilate! I do hope you guys are able to sort out the paperwork without too many headaches. I'm sure he will find a great school and it will be an amazing experience for him! Good luck to you all!


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!