Monday, January 30, 2023

Could be worse...

So my plan to get my sleep back on schedule and just generally get things together has not been a shining success. On the other hand, it hasn't been a complete failure; I'll take that. I might not be as together as I'd hoped, but this is still better. 

Except that I've hit that weirdly inevitable point where I start trying to get everything together, and that seems to magically cause other things to come apart. Secondborn has developed a kind of whooping, barking cough that, well, I really don't like; we're treating it, but it's affected his sleep schedule and thereby made mine more difficult. The school band had a concert on Saturday, which I'm pretty sure we could all have done without; but we got there, Secondborn acquitted himself honorably, and we had Olive Garden afterwards. 

Work is, well, work; I have a little time off scheduled, at least, but I'm also trying to work through the process of fixing a fairly significant security issue; this requires a weird mix of urgency and patience, since we're talking about a production system and I don't want to get all our users in an uproar. 

The weather has finally gotten chilly -- at least by Texas standards -- but doesn't look like it's set to go into any sort of catastrophic freeze. And if it does, well, I did a bit of shopping this weekend and made sure we were pretty well supplied. 

Writing has been hit and miss, but I feel like if I can get everything else settled out a bit, well... that will probably fix itself. And I do have some time off; hopefully I can spend it on the writing and the patch jacket. 

So yeah, at this point we're all pretty much slogging along as best we can. And this could all be a lot worse, as I keep reminding myself. Let's start the week off with a bit of music. I'll let you figure out which narrative voice matches mine...

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