Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Challenge: Resolutions

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: What I think of New Year's Resolutions

I don't have much use for them. It's not that I think resolutions are worthless, mind you; I just don't see the point in tying them to a particular spot in the calendar year. Notice that you're not getting enough exercise? Resolve to do better. Want to get more writing done, or spend more time on crafting hobbies? Make a resolution. Don't wait for January; don't feel compelled to make a resolution or three just because January has rolled around again. 

Also? Once you do make a resolution, make a plan. Talk it out -- with yourself, your significant other, random online friends. Figure out how you're going to accomplish this. The whole point of making resolutions is to change your behavior for the better, and that's so much easier to do if you have a realistic roadmap for how to get there.


  1. That all sounds very healthy and do-able... lol. Side note: your link isn't on the post at LASR. I just decided to come looking for you. But might be why no one else is here yet :-)

  2. That makes sense, Michael!


  3. I see no point in waiting to the new year to begin a resolutions.

  4. I admit I tend to set these at New Year, but I agree there's no need.


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