Monday, January 9, 2023

Back to School

What is it about the first week back to school that just wears me the heck out?

I mean, I guess that's rhetorical. It's exactly what it sounds like: resetting schedules, making sure everybody's back in the habits they need (eating breakfast, taking meds, wearing pants), and getting everybody out the door so that they get to school on time. And that means setting alarms, waking up, waking other people up... It also means I can't just go to sleep at, say, six p.m. -- no matter how tired I might be. It also (also-also) means working from home so I can make sure everybody gets out the door, but then working from home is as much a benefit as it is a trial.

Still, we made it through the "it's the first full day of work after New Year's Day, and judging by the traffic on the road everybody's still drunk" part of last week, and the "it's the first week of work after the Christmas/New Year's/etc. holidays and now everybody suddenly needs a piece of my time all at once" part of last week, so hopefully this week the boys will be more or less back on schedule and I can focus more on some extended projects at work instead of just spending my time responding to crises. 

How is the writing going, you ask? Well... Plenty of stuff for the blog, here. In fact, I've actually got some things written in advance for that. Other writing projects are essentially stalled, but that's usually what happens when the holidays roll through. Hopefully I can pick back up on some of that as we move into this week. I'm almost completely off of Twitter at this point, so I probably need to go and update my website, but aside from remembering how to log in to the editor that's fairly trivial. I'm trying to do a bit more on Tumblr, but that involved a little bit of a learning curve and I just haven't gotten into the habit yet.

Lots of D&D this weekend, all of it fun. Honestly, I think everything will get easier as we get back into rhythm, but right now I'm just kind of wiped

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