Thursday, September 1, 2022

Horoscopes: Unlikely Choices edition

They are coming, and the world will fall. To help you survive, you may have the book, the sword, or the cloak. Make your choice, and make your stand.

Three paths lie before you, to carry you through the end of the world: that of fur, fangs, and sharpened senses; that of scales, spines, and venom; and that of wings, talons, and the sharpest of eyes. Everything you know will fall, but choose wisely and you might not fall with it.

The coming disaster carries gifts as well as tragedies. Will you face it with unmatched strength of body? Will you provide health and healing for others? Or will you keep yourself safe with incomparable fleetness of foot? Choose.

The end of the world will drive you underground, to shelter in the darkness and make your new life there. Will you become a thing of many legs, of venom and webbing, clinging and trapping your prey? Or will you burrow through the earth, lean and narrow and twisting, devouring anything before you and leaving naught but empty tunnel behind you? Or will you become a scuttling thing of dark fur, gnawing teeth, and clever paws, taking your opportunities where you find them?

The world turns strange, and civilization falls by minutes and inches. Will you join the caravan, and hope to find some place of safety beyond the vast desert? Take shelter on an airship and try to wait above the chaos, only returning to the ground to scavenge? Or will you step onto the ships, and hope the trackless oceans bring you relief instead of ruin? The time to decide is now.

Darkness falls, and the great beasts rise again. Will you take up arms and try to fight them? Or follow the ways of running and hiding and try to avoid them? Or will you go to them, and offer your worship and assistance in exchange for a promise of safety? All paths have their risks.

The world is dying, and you must lead the people around you to safety. Will you take them to the city in the mountains, where something of civilization and technology yet remains? Will you lead them to the fertile valley, poorly defended but rich in food? Or will you make of them wandering scavengers, scouring the ruins and the small pockets of survivors for whatever you need? In some worlds there are no good choices.

The spear, the shield, or the mark of the great beast: each of you must choose one of these. The storm winds come, and all that you know will be swept away. Which will best carry you through? Which will best serve your friends?

The cities grow gradually emptier, as does the countryside. There are stories of strange beasts and stranger portents. In the twilight of their power, the gods offer you choice of gifts to face the end of this Age and the beginning of the next. You may call up food for your people. You may borrow their strength to increase your own. You may be a source of warmth and light for them. Which will you do? The gods await your answer.

A plague falls across the land, along with floods and droughts. The living are sorely vexed, and even the dead no longer lie easy in their graves. You must make the sacred pilgrimage, but to whom? The great worm, which coils about the heart of the world? The Father Of All Dragons, who lairs at the heart of the Endless Forest? Or the Steel Firebringer, who is said to dwell above the sky itself? You are chosen; no one can decide for you. The answer must be yours.

You can always choose, but of course it doesn't matter. The gun? The sword? The fist? None will prevail in the face of this. Find another way... if you can.

Disaster threatens, and the world calls again for a champion. You must be remade, prepared to face the Enemy. Which of the ancient enhancements of your people will you choose: the razor-edges and flight of the Steel Wings? The many tricks and surprises of the Clockwork Arm? Or the unexpected protection of the Metal Skin? Our future depends on you.

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