Monday, September 19, 2022

Clean living

So I've been trying to get my shit together -- drink less, sleep more, eat better, exercise -- and I am here to tell you that I have never been so tired in my life. Which... I mean, that's definitely a thing, as your body lets itself slow down and starts trying to make up for some sleep debt and adjust to running on less adrenaline. But while I did manage to run the younger youth D&D game and do some cleaning and laundry, I feel like I basically just slept through the weekend. 

It's enough to make me wonder if I've come down with something, but... I don't think so. I think it's just body trying to adjust. (Well, and allergies -- we're in Second Spring here in Texas, and I cannot wait for autumn to properly arrive.) I mean, on the plus side I should be coming into this week feeling fairly rested, but... well, we'll see. 

Not much writing progress, and what I've managed has been more D&D-related than focused on my writing projects. (See above re: exhaustion...) I have managed a bit of reading, at least. And plenty of rapid eye movements. So, I don't know. Probably worth it in the long run, but it's enough to make me wonder.

Meanwhile, 'tis International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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