Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Challenge: Sparking Creativity

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. (The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in!)

This week's prompt is "what sparks my creativity" and as a result, this is going to be shortest answer I have ever given to one of these prompts: 


That's it. That's what I need. "Send tweet," as the kids might possibly say these days.


  1. Sleep is definitely critical to creativity. I'm a morning person and know that is where my energy and creativity live. As the day goes on, it all slowly goes down hill.

  2. I certainly can't be creative without sleep.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!