Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Challenge: Santa

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. (The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in!)

This week's topic is "what I thought of Santa as a kid". 

Y'all, I... don't remember. I really don't. It's possible that at some point I actually believed that Santa existed. It's possible that at some point I was screaming in terror as someone attempted to take my picture with a Mall Santa. But I was a weird kid. It's just as possible, and perhaps more likely, that Christmas would roll around and I'd have presents, and someone would explain that Santa had brought some of them, and I'd just roll with it because, Hey, more presents! But I also remember thinking of "Santa Presents" as code for "a few presents my parents kept secret and didn't put under the tree until the night before". 

My parents weren't real invested in fooling us or "keeping the magic alive". 

So yeah, mostly I don't think I had much of an opinion about Santa at all as a kid. I mean, I enjoyed getting presents... but on the whole, I liked Halloween better.

1 comment:

  1. Presents are the easiest things to remember. Its a sense of being special, of being thought of.


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