Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Challenge: Please Invent

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. (The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in!)

This week's prompt is "something I wish someone would invent" and let me tell you, this one is easy. Absolutely the thing I need most, the thing that Mad Scientists the world over would be concentrating on if they had even a whit of sense: 

Self-heating tea.


  1. Thanks for coming by and I do hope Gregory survived all your inventions. Actually, that sounds amazing. Aren't there now drinks and things that you just crush and they heat up? You might want to claim royalties!

  2. Self-heating tea is a great idea. More than that, the invention might have wider applications - thinking cooking without energy!

  3. I rarely drink tea, but I can see this being a great invention.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!