Monday, September 30, 2013

Modeling Consent Culture

Over at Disrupting Dinner Parties, guest poster Rebecca Flin describes her first encounter with "consent culture". I'm not going to repost the whole thing here; but this is the sort of message that really deserves a signal boost, so this is my small contribution. Go read it.
So we know what “rape-culture” is at this point, right? Thank god we finally have a word for it! Like the emergence of the term, “sexual harassment” in the 1970s, the recent addition of the term “rape culture” to our everyday lexicon has given us a way to describe what used to be called “just the way it is” or “life”. Therefore, we are now able to see and discuss it. And I don’t know about you guys, but I see it everywhere: movies, the news, music, child-raising, the subway, you name it. Rape culture is our culture. But now that we see it, we can start changing it right?

So tell me, what can I do to move away from rape culture?
Seriously, go read it.

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