Friday, January 17, 2025

Well, Christmas is finally over and also we had a new visitor

You may be looking at the title and thinking, What, just now? Isn't this a bit late? (Or, I guess, you might be looking at the title and thinking, What, already? --in which case this post probably isn't for you.) But yes, we finally got together with the last piece of the family to have some dinner and exchange gifts, so now Christmas is finally, officially over for us. 

Why did it take this long? Well, as usual it was a combination of things, with people being out of town, medical issues, and the logistics of getting someone in a different branch of the family moved into a new apartment. Most of that was not our burden to bear, for which I'm grateful; we just had to work with the timing for it. 

In unrelated news, we had a neighbor stop by and ask to use our phone. We're assuming she's a neighbor, anyway; we've seen her once before, and she does seem to be living nearby. Beautiful Wife sensibly handed her the landline rather than her cellphone, then invited her in for a cup of tea. 

I did not catch her name, but she comes across as a very-sweet-if-somewhat-daft older woman. We first met her a few weeks ago, when she knocked on the door to make sure we knew that the hose was running in our front yard. (We did. Beautiful Wife was slow-watering the yard.) This was before the election, and she let drop that of the four presidential candidates, only one was actually an American citizen. Which... we pretty much just slid right past that part, because that is a level of batshittery that neither of us was prepared to engage with. 

She explained a bit more after using the phone: she's living with one of our neighbors, she's got grandchildren up in Oregon, she's got money troubles -- hence the need to borrow our phone -- but really, it'll all be okay. How so? Well, she put her money in an investment, and after the inauguration that investment is going to be worth a whole lot more. Then she'll have money to pay her bills and help out her family. So what did she invest in? Well, she hems and haws for a moment and then admits that it's Trump Bucks, and after the inauguration she's going to be able to use them as currency. 

All of this is delivered with the serene confidence of a True Believer, and I am here to say that neither of us had any idea at all how to respond to that revelation. 

Because what we have here, apparently, is a very nice older woman who has no idea that she's been scammed out of whatever remained of her life's savings... Or, a very convincing plant trying to scam us with the hope of getting filthy rich after the election... Or, just maybe, both. If it's the first case, then judging by her demeanor she is never going to believe us if we try to tell her it's a scam. If it's the second -- or the third -- possibility, then she must have been disappointed because neither one of us was even going to touch that topic. Either way, this was a whole other level of batshittery that we just slid right past.

Still, if we do see her again I need to ask who sold her on the Trump Bucks, and at least suggest that she get in touch with the local police; the situation might be a lot more clear after the inauguration. Or, since we weren't interested in Trump Bucks and similar fuckery ourselves, we may simply never see her again. We don't really know that she lives in the area, after all. If she is part of the scam, then I doubt she'll want to hang around long enough to be identifiable -- and having her show up out of nowhere, twice, gets more suspicious the more I think about it. 

I've also contacted our telecom to make sure that there aren't any weird charges from that day that are going to show up on my bill at the end of the month, since I can picture a scenario where you borrow someone's phone and use it to call some sort of paid service in exchange for a kickback. No idea whether that's really a thing or not, though. And in in any case, our provider confirms that there aren't any additional charges on the account.

Minor update: So, she showed back up again later in the week, and asked Beautiful Wife if she could pay her to drive her some places. Beautiful Wife told that she had some meetings and couldn't do it, and then politely closed the door. So our current read on the situation is that this neighbor is exactly what she appears to be -- sweet, dignified, and batshit -- and she's zeroed in on us as Those Nice People Who Might Help Out.

2025's going to be an interesting year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a mess. I wonder if your neighbour has some cognitive decline? I have a relative who is also struggling with critical thinking skills more than they have in the past.

    It’s really sad.


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