Thursday, January 2, 2025

Student: Hood

Name: Adolphe John "Jack" Anderlin
Nickname: (Robin) Hood
Age: 18
Appearance: 6'4" and very thin, with frizzy brown hair that he keeps short and hazel eyes.
Notable Skills: Fencing, archery, guns, driving, basketball, electronics
Quirks: Can discuss Star Trek in endless detail, avoids caffeine and processed sugar, loves animals, hates loud noises including music, afraid of heights

Jack Anderlin is easily the best fencer at Saint Vincent's, and is one of the relatively few students to take an extensive interest in guns. He's also an experienced electrical engineer, a skillset that began as a hobby before he got really into it. His nickname -- Hood -- was cemented when he took up archery, which is fine by him. He prefers to use Jack as his regular name, since he considers John kind of boring and was teased as a child for his first name. 

Skinny and fast with lots of reach, Jack is a natural at fencing; his power as a locator allows him to find objects or people, and also gives him an acute feel for things like the movements of an opponent's blade or the location of a target; he is quite capable of hitting a moving target while blindfolded. This same ability has netted him a basketball scholarship when he heads off to college next year. He has strong feelings about social justice and works with Habitat for Humanity whenever can manage it.

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