"Okay," said Tempest, "Here's the challenge." She held up a box. "We've done variations on this before, so the basics should be fairly familiar: we have to get the contents of this package to somebody at the far end of the woods. This time, the catch is that it has to get there intact, which probably means that whatever's inside is fragile."
"So we don't know what's inside?" Maria asked.
"No," Tempest told her.
"Um," said Armor. "Don't give it to me, then."
"Me either," said Gaunt. "If I have to fight, it'll be hand to hand."
Tempest hesitated, thinking, and Maria said: "Give it to Nightfall. I'll cover her, Gaunt can lead -- um, run point -- and you and Armor can flank us. Or you can cover Nightfall, and I'll take a flanking position."
Tempest hesitated a moment longer, then said: "All right. You cover, I'll flank. Everybody else know what they're doing?"
Cat -- Nightfall -- looked over at Gaunt. "Be ready," she said. "If I take us into the dark, we'll need you to guide us."
He nodded.
Maria -- Should I be thinking of myself as Cloudburst? -- stepped over beside Nightfall and put a hand on her shoulder. "Ready?"
Cat nodded back at her. "If I make it dark, Gaunt may push images at you. Don't let it surprise you. Use them to find your way, or to find targets. He'll be using my eyes to see."
"Intiendo," Maria said tightly.
"All right," said Tempest. "Let's go. Gaunt, you're in the lead. Armor, take left flank; I'll take right." She glanced back at Maria. "Cloudburst... good call."
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