Friday, January 24, 2025

Grappling with Parenthood

Things I have learned from grappling with Secondborn in the kitchen. (It was supposed to be a hug, but no: he's a teenager. Apparently a hug is an invitation to a Sumo-style contest. Kids these days, amirite?)

  1. Do not grapple with your son on a tile floor when he's barefoot and you're wearing fuzzy slippers. The claws on those slippers are purely ornamental and do not help you grip the floor as he's sliding you down the hallway.
  2. I am apparently still just barely enough taller than he is to lift him off the ground, thus denying him his advantage in traction.
  3. He is tall enough to try to slip out of this.
  4. Getting the cabinet behind one foot helps, but is not sufficient by itself. 
  5. Secondborn has no training in judo, jujitsu, or wrestling, so it is possible to get him into a controlled throw and set him carefully on the ground. 
  6. I'm too old for this shit.


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