I think I was going to post the next installment of Team Kraken's introductions this morning, only I've been weirdly, mildly sick and when I finished work yesterday I took a three hour nap instead of doing, well, anything else. There seem to be a lot of things going around right now, plus there's plenty of additional stress if you're following the news at all. With that in mind, I'm going to recommend three things:
- Take it easy. Drink water, get rest, and just generally be nice to yourself. Do not underestimate the restorative power of napping on the couch.
- Limit your news intake, and if you find yourself doomscrolling, stop. Part of the reason that the new administration is trying to shove all this bullshit through at once is to make it look like a fait accompli, like it's already done and there's no way to stop it or even try to resist. That is simply not true, but it's way too easy to get overwhelmed by it all.
- Start masking, wash your hands thoroughly, and socially distance as much as you can. It's not just COVID, the last time we actually had masking protocols in place we actually wiped out a whole family of flu strains. Norovirus is going around, not to mention the usual seasonal colds and etc. And with communications shut down from the NIH, we're not even likely to know if the latest version of Bird Flu goes epidemic. Hell, masking even helps with airborne allergies! Plus, you look like a badass.
So that's what I've got for today. Tomorrow, you get the tale of my epic battle with Secondborn.
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