Friday, February 10, 2023

Dark Armor: Implements and Injuries

By the time the carriage neared the crypt, the bones of his left leg had stiffened beyond any hope of use. The combination of the armor's enchantments and his own initiations was enough to let the flesh and bone regrow, but that horrible shockwave that the spear delivered had half-shattered his entire leg, and the reformed bone was still a single piece. It would remember the shapes of individual bones and joints eventually, but for now everything between his ankle and his hip was fused. 

His shoulder had fared better, but then it had caught the spear's blow at an angle. The armor's enchantments and his own initiations had done a lot to absorb the damage in the moment, and repair it afterwards; but the simple fact was that without a legendary weapon stabbing through them, his muscles and bones had taken less damage. Even so, he was exhausted, ravenously hungry, and slightly dizzy; if he hadn't been worried that the Spear of the First would try to kill him, he might have tried to sleep. 

The armor didn't let him actually sleep, of course, but it allowed a sort of restful trance that would have helped. Instead, he held himself still, ignored the weirding of his leg, and waited to reach the crypt. There was thunder outside the carriage; that meant he was close. The comings and going of the black knight were always heralded by thunderstorms. 

Father and his theatrics... Pallian didn't mind. He slept better when there was a storm outside. 

He felt the change when the carriage began to angle down, and made sure his grip on the spear was firm. In a few minutes the great doors would open, and soon after there would be other people that the spear might try to murder. He couldn't let that happen. Wary, exhausted, and impatient, he waited to return to the Black Knight's home.

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