Friday, June 18, 2021

Sleep is my friend

So after a week or more of thinking, "I really ought to get to sleep earlier," I finally put myself down right after we finished eating dinner -- well, not right after, but as soon as possible after. That was about seven-thirty, I think. 

I slept straight through to six-forty this morning. 

So, call that about eleven hours. And I feel much better for it. Like, I think I finally got that system reset that my body's been wanting. I'm still yawning, of course -- I haven't been awake that long, after all -- but moving, feeling, doing things? All feel like less of a struggle. 

Writing progress has been minimal this week. I had an idea for one of the D&D stories, but it's too far out on the timeline for me do anything with it right now. I may just pass it back to my DM to play with. And I need to get back to work on Shadow Academy, which is currently still just a bunch of character sketches and an intro scene; I need to get the story going. 

Work is still busy and looks like to get busier for the next several months, but there's not much to do there except ride the wave and learn as much as I can; we're going to need it. 

Oh, yeah: and get sleep. Sleep is my friend.

One interesting side-effect of getting that much sleep: I remember my dreams, and my dreams were weird. Like, I had taken a travel detour to watch a zombie movie, and that movie was also ground zero for a zombie outbreak. A lot of avoiding zombies, blocking their way, and getting out of the theater. So either my brain is deeply recursive, or it's very confused. Possibly it's a reaction to our idiot governor reopening the state before we're full vaccinated. Or the whole thing was a metaphor for this project at work...


  1. Possibly it's a reaction to our idiot governor reopening the state before we're full vaccinated. Or the whole thing was a metaphor for this project at work...

    Okay, it has to be said:

    Why not both?


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