Monday, June 28, 2021

Duendewood vs. Solari 2: Lines of Communication

Werendril reined up at the temple doors and turned to look back at his entourage: three less-experienced paladins, two scouts, and Shondrelle, the druid who had been assisting him since the beginning. They all knew their roles; he had no reason to doubt any of them. 

The two scouts, Bulinn and Adviaris, were eyeing the walls; Bulinn was a common elf, older and more experienced, while Adviaris was a true elf, talented and growing in skill. The trio of wolves that accompanied their group sniffed at the night air, but showed no sign of concern. 

"Bide," said Werendril, and swung down off his mount. He stepped up to the gate, then raised an armored fist and banged against it. Humans were not subtle; arriving just after dark and then knocking loudly had seemed like the best way to gain entry while avoiding wider notice. 

One of the gates swung inward, and for a moment Werendril just stared at the empty passageway; then he looked downward, and found a halfling looking up at him. 

"Welcome," said the smaller man. "I am Birno, a priest of Amun. What brings you to the temple?"

"I am Werendril, a paladin of the Order of the Golden Bow, and these are my companions. We come by invitation of the Abbess Hilda Sturmgart." 

"Do you now? Well, absolutely, come inside... and do keep your weapons. You've nothing to fear here, so there's no reason for you to give them up." The halfling stepped back, and the other gate swung open. 

Werendril reached back for the reins while he tried to decipher that piece of logic, and walked his mount inside. The Temple of Amun was all heavy stone walls, smooth to the touch, but elegant in their simplicity; and if anyone was pointing weapons at them, he couldn't immediately see it. 

"We've rooms for you," said the halfling, "but I imagine you'd like to see the Abbess first. She should still be awake. It's not so late as all that, though I do appreciate your tact in waiting until after dark." 

"I'm all in favor of tact," said Werendril, "but do you have any idea why I'm here?"

"The Abbess said she felt we should renew communications with the Duendewood elves," said the priest Birno. "I don't know much more than that."

"Any idea why she asked for me, in particular? I'm not at all acquainted with the priesthood of Amun, or the Order of the Titan King." 

"Ah," answered Birno. "No, I don't know. But like as not it had something to do with your friend Ruin, who came through here a few weeks back. Caused a bit of a stir, he did."

"Ruin?" repeated Werendril, eyes wide with surprise. "Ruin came through here?" And he didn't kill anybody? He snapped his mouth shut and swallowed before the words could escape.

"He did. Helped one of our novices join the priesthood, even." The little priest smiled benignly.

Werendril shook his head. "Ruin. Helped one of your novices. Join the priesthood." He shook his head again. "Please see if the Abbess is willing to meet with us. I... I very much need to hear about this." 

"Of course, of course," Birno grinned up at him. "The stables are over here. You can turn your mounts over to the handlers, or settle them yourselves as you like. I take it you're surprised?"

"Surprised?" asked Werendril. "Yes, I suppose 'surprised' might cover all of it, if you spread it very thin."

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