Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Character Sketch: Headmaster Stavros Petrovski

Stavros Petrovski was born to a side-branch of the imperial family, and raised for a life at court. He attended Starhold Academy and graduated with honors before being commissioned as the mage-assign for an obscure company on the western edge of the northern border. From there, he rose slowly through the ranks, always in front-line positions. It was therefore no surprise that he died in battle when a gnawer barreled through the line and attacked him. 

It was, however, something of a surprise when he held himself together after being killed, destroyed the gnawer, and continued providing the sorcerous support that allowed his unit to hold their section of the line. The servitors were thrown back, and afterwards Stavros' unit was able to move forward and clean out the nearest nest. He was promoted, then promoted again; by the time he retired from the Imperial Army, he was a sorcerer-general. After his retirement, he took a place at Sunhaven Academy and eventually became its headmaster. 

Headmaster Petrovski has a lean, rangy build and moves with the easy grace of a young athlete. His skin, however, is tight and withered, and there is a massive gash across his left cheek that exposes pale bone and teeth. (He uses magic to speak.) His eyes are withered back into their sockets, and replaced with gleaming red sparks that seem to be further back in his skull than should be possible.

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