Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Big Black Nothing

Work has suddenly turned very, very busy, and I'm trying to write on the Ongoing Dark Fantasy Project. So I really have nothing for this morning.

I mean, my children continue to shoot me with Nerf weapons. My Jedi powers still fail to deflect them. But hey, that's life. Also, there's been poop. But, hey, parenting, y'know?

I don't know. I could use a reliable oracle, but instead I'm left to muddle through on my own.

How about the rest of you? Anyone else feeling... maybe not powerless, but at least slightly lost out there?


  1. I've recently gotten back into more hands-on homeschooling for a few reasons and I toggle between "I got this" and "good god, I'm going to go insane" about 10000 times a day.

    1. Yeah. We're trying to get Secondborn through his first year of school, and his poor Kindergarten teacher is losing her mind. He's a sweet, sweet kid, but he can't sit still and he apparently has the attention span of a gnat on crack.


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